Adult ministries


Sunday - 10:30am

Adult Ministry

We believe that we all need to continue to be shaped and grow into all that God has for us. This happens at every level and just because we may be older doesn't mean we have to stop learning. At Redemption Church we value building relationships and creating a community where we can learn more about God. 

Small Groups

Small groups give people the opportunity to gather together in a home to seek after God and build relationships with each other. If you are interested in joining a small group please call the church office or check out the listing of our small groups at the Welcome Center in the church foyer.  We have several small groups to accommodate all ages. 

Spring 2025 Small Groups

Roy & Marsha Belfils home
1st Sunday of the month, 5:00 pm
Senior Adults

Jim Klein Home
1st Sunday of the month, 5:30 pm
Adults only

Neal & Melody Brown, Marilyn Bursch
1st Wednesday of the month
Meets at the church, 6:30 pm, 
Family friendly, childcare provided

Brian & Alyssa Gilliam, Glen & Kari Dean
2nd Wednesday of the month
Meets at the church, 6:00 pm
Family Friendly, childcare provided

Joe & Cheri Ratzlaff
3rd Wednesday of the month
Meets at the church, 6:30 pm
Childcare provided

Mary Staton
2nd Monday of the month
Meets at the church, 9:00 am
Intercessory Prayer Group

Tom & Jenny Murphy

1st Friday of the month

Meets at the church at 6:00 pm

Childcare provided

Rick & Rosalie Searles

4th Wednesday of the month

Meets in the church sanctuary at 6:30 pm

Childcare provided

  Learn More

For addresses and phone numbers of the leaders, please call the church office at 509-299-3139


Bible study

Join us for Bible study meetings were we dive deeper into God's word and how we can apply it practically to our lives. 

Women's ministries

At Redemption Church we believe in creating opportunities for women to connect, support and grow in their relationship with God. Check the events page to find out what is happening or call the office to get connected with what is going on at Redemption Church. 

Classics-Senior Adult Ministries

Redemption Church has a very active Senior Adult Ministry.  
We call our Senior Adults "The Classics", which we feel describes them very well.  They love well, they have much wisdom to share with the younger generation, they are spiritually mature and great role models to follow.  We have a no host  monthly breakfast, usually the 4th Friday of each month, at the Denny's Restaurant off of Geiger exit.  We also have other fun events throughout the year which you can find listed on the Events Page of our website when they are happening.  Our Classics ministry is led by Pastors Dennis & Cala Noble.